The Evidence
Rational Veterinary Medicine:
The main portion of this site is a database of citations of, and links to studies, clinical trials, and more general articles which are authoritative or of interest (links to the respective pages are given above).
Papers and general articles are presented in alphabetical order of lead authors’ surnames. For consistency the papers are cited using a style based on the UK’s Open University’s document, OU Harvard guide to citing references, for example:
Han, E., Johnson, N., DelaMelena, T., Glissmeyer, M. and Steinbock, K. (2011) ‘Alternative therapy used as primary treatment for breast cancer negatively impacts outcomes’, Annals of Surgical Oncology, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 912–916.
When possible the abstract or excerpts from the paper will then be given in italics as an aide memoir of the paper’s contents followed by a brief comment from RVM denoted by the RVM red fox symbol .
Following this is a list of links to the abstract and the full text (where available), and below that in some cases, will be a set of links to ‘responses’ such as letters to the editor, critiques and discussions of the merits or otherwise of the paper and its use by CAM proponents as evidence as well as cross-
There is a separate section for media stories relating to CAM with articles listed under publication name.
To do a keyword search use the “Search” box in the banner picture.
Irrelevant details and techie stuff:
For consistency and ease of searching I have adopted the increasingly accepted spelling of the word “homeopathy”. Classical purists may bemoan the dropping of the letter “o” from the European version “homoeopathy” but in fact that isn’t the correct way to spell the word either. Originally it was spelled using the ‘lingual tie’ “œ” which was transcribed as plain “e” in the USA and as “oe” in Europe -
I store the links to and copies of these papers on a USB memory stick using file names which always start with the lead author’s surname followed by the year of publication followed by the title of the paper, abbreviated if necessary to come to less than 100 characters including spaces and suffix (some of those titles do ramble!). The contents of this stick are then backed up to pretty much any computer I can lay my hands on. To do the backups I use the excellent 'AllwaySynch' programmes.
You cannot ignore the majority of available evidence in favour of something you would prefer to be true...
Sir Paul Nurse,
President of the Royal Society